05.1 Growing Communities In Europe’s largest and most mature tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in In Europe's largest and most mature tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation the level of participation around tech-related Meetup events, but outside those leading In Europe's largest and most mature tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation around tech-related Meetup events, but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in In Europe's largest and most mature tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation hubs there continues to be rapid growth in engagement, including in cities such as around tech-related Meetup events, but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in engagement, including in cities such as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. around tech-related Meetup events, but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. engagement, including in cities such as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. engagement, including in cities such as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. Top 20 hubs by level of tech Meetup activity in 2018, ranked by number of Meetup DATASET: TOP 5 HUBS 315,839 315,497 Top 20 hubs by level of tech Meetup activity 292,792 Top 20 hubs by level of tech Meetup activity 315,839 315,497 attendees 300,000 in 2018, ranked by number of Meetup 315,839 315,497 in 2018, ranked by number of Meetup 292,792 attendees 300,000 292,792 attendees 300,000 s 209,386 LEGEND e e sd en 209,386 LEGEND e200,000 London s et t 209,386 LEGEND de a ne 160,608 d London ep 200,000 153,528 Berlin tn 150,866 tu t London ae200,000 t e 136,537 t 160,608 p e Berlin a 150,866 153,528 Paris uM 160,608 t Berlin ep 150,866 153,528 u # 136,537 et 105,118 Paris e 136,537 Amsterdam M Paris e 84,647 #M 83,239 81,746 100,000 105,118 Amsterdam # Munich 105,118 Amsterdam 61,313 63,857 84,647 100,000 83,239 81,746 84,647 Munich 100,000 83,239 41,471 81,746 35,714 37,333 63,857 Munich 61,313 63,857 11,492 61,313 41,471 35,714 37,333 41,471 In Europe's largest and most mature tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation 35,714 37,333 11,492 In Europe's largest and most mature tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation 0 around tech-related Meetup events, but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in 11,492 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 0 around tech-related Meetup events, but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in engagement, including in cities such as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 engagement, including in cities such as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. Note: Source: LEGEND DATASET: HUBS 6-10 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 80,000 74,792 Note: Source: LEGEND Source: Note: 80,000 Madrid 74,792 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 Madrid 65,332 Warsaw Warsaw 65,332 59,895 Barcelona 58,559 Barcelona 60,000 58,559 59,895 Istanbul s 60,000 50,929 52,017 e e 52,017 Istanbul sd 50,929 46,445 Dublin en ee dt 46,445 Dublin nt ea 37,206 tp tu40,000 at p e 37,206 ue40,000 tM e e# 25,852 M 22,174 # 25,852 16,605 18,516 22,174 20,000 18,516 20,000 16,605 8,880 7,604 e tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation 8,880 7,604 2,207 , but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in 0 2,207 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 h as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. e tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 , but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in 50,000 h as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. Note: Source: 43,959 LEGEND DATASET: HUBS 11-15 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 Source: Note: 40,962 Hamburg 50,000 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 40,000 36,068 36,224 36,749 Zurich 43,959 LEGEND Stockholm 40,962 32,064 Hamburg s 31,746 40,000 e 28,523 36,749 Oslo e 36,068 36,224 Zurich d30,000 27,539 n e Manchester t 24,424 32,064 Stockholm t 31,746 s a 22,217 e p u 28,523 Oslo e t 19,705 20,575 d30,000 27,539 n e 18,805 e e20,000 t M 24,424 Manchester t 15,922 a # 22,217 13,875 p u 12,580 20,575 t 11,249 19,705 e 18,805 e20,000 M 8,094 15,922 # 10,000 6,774 13,875 12,580 11,249 3,174 8,094 In Europe's largest and most mature tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation 10,000 6,774 0 around tech-related Meetup events, but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 3,174 In Europe's largest and most mature tech communities, there are signs of a slowdown in the level of participation engagement, including in cities such as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. around tech-related Meetup events, but outside those leading hubs there continues to be rapid growth in 0 Source: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 engagement, including in cities such as Hamburg, Zurich, Manchester or Wroclaw. Note: 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 40,000 38,018 LEGEND HUBS 16-20 Note: Source: 33,680 Budapest 40,000 38,018 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 LEGEND Wroclaw 28,869 Budapest 30,000 33,680 Vienna s e e Wroclaw d 23,408 28,869 Copenhagen n 22,676 23,112 e 30,000 t Vienna st Frankfurt ea 19,062 ep 18,607 du20,000 23,408 Copenhagen nt 16,829 22,676 23,112 ee te tM Frankfurt a 19,062 14,308 p # 18,607 u 20,000 t 11,302 e 16,829 e 9,131 M 10,000 7,889 14,308 # 4,216 11,302 3,746 9,131 7,889 10,000 1,445 0 4,216 3,746 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1,445 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Note: Source: 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 Note: Source: 2018 annualised based on RSVPs to end of September 2018 & 66 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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