2018 Key Findings What’s changed for It’s been another record year for investment in European tech and the sector is powering growth in Europe’s European tech in the stagnant economy. Yet not everyone is benefitting from the boom. The gains are not being democratized by investors. Companies need to address diversity and inclusion tools past 12 months? and unlock hidden talent pools. KEY FINDINGS 01 Another record year for investment into the European tech ecosystem 02 Europe urgently needs to fix its diversity & inclusion problem 03 Europe’s tech industry is the best hope for growth for a stalling European economy 04 The gains from Europe’s tech boom are not yet being democratised 05 Mobilising Europe’s hidden tech talent pool can unlock huge upside 06 Europe is producing $B+ companies at a level that is 15x+ higher than a decade ago 07 Top highlight statistics for Europe In Partnership with & www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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