Welcome to the State of European Tech 2018 We’re proud to present the 2018 edition of the State of European Tech report, which is once again the single, most comprehensive data-driven story of European technology today. It’s been another incredible year We write this report to shine a light that this report is a lot longer than in for European tech - but there are on the issues that matter in the previous years. This was a deliberate some significant challenges too European ecosystem. We aim to enrich decision. Our data is open, and our conversations, highlight challenges, hope is as many people as possible will and support more informed decision use it to help tell the stories that matter making by closing the knowledge gap to them in Europe. between perception and reality. Each year we aim to produce a resource that is more comprehensive than the last. To this end, you’ll notice & 8 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com Photo: Anrietta Kuosku

The State of European Tech - Page 8 The State of European Tech Page 7 Page 9