About Atomico We’re Atomico. You probably knew that already. But who are we really? We’re not a traditional venture capital breakers who want to build the next firm. leader in their category. The world- shapers creating companies that We are built by founders for founders. fundamentally shift the way we live Every single aspect of Atomico, today. The gamechangers using every part of our culture, and every technology to rewire the world in favour decision we take, is designed with the of something better, for as many people sole ambition of helping our partners as possible. succeed. When we find these people, we invest We exist for more than returns. We much more than money. We work hand- believe entrepreneurs are the ultimate in-glove with them, drawing on hard- agents of positive, transformational won experience scaling some of the change across every aspect of our most successful technology companies society and economy. in the world. Our mission is to spur this progress Want to work on this report with us forward. next year? We’re looking for a Research Associate. Drop Tom a line at tom@ It’s why we partner with the world’s atomico.com. most ambitious founders. The rule- About Slush Once again we’ve partnered with Slush to produce the State of European Tech report But what is Slush? Slush is a global movement, supporting The very core of Slush is to facilitate the next generation of founders. It’s founder-investor meetings and to a not-for-profit event organized by a build a worldwide startup community. community of entrepreneurs, investors, In 2018, more than 1800 investors and students, and festival organizers. 3000 startup companies came to Helsinki for the event. In 2018, Slush gathered more than 45,000 people in 75 events all around Slush is run by a community of students the world, from South Africa to Tokyo. who want to radically change how The Slush year culminates in Helsinki entrepreneurship is perceived in in December, when 20,000 founders, Northern Europe and beyond. Several investors, media and executives from successful entrepreneurs, from the 130+ countries gather in Helsinki. founders of Supercell and Spotify among others, have already become a Held during the darkest time of the year, part of the not-for-profit initiative that Slush has always been characterized has already become a movement of by a unique energy and enthusiasm. global magnitude. 157 In Partnership with & www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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