03.1 We’ve Got a Problem There is shocking imbalance in the flow of capital FUNDING DIVERSITY to male versus female founders of all funds raised by European VC-backed % companies in 2018 went to all-male 93 founding teams. The importance of diversity and inclusion has unquestionably gained an elevated prominence in the news narrative around the tech industry in Europe. But the The importance of diversity and inclusion has unquestionably gained an elevated prominence in the news narrative level of discussion around this topic pales into insignificance relative to other around the tech industry in Europe. But the level of discussion around this topic pales into insigniïcance relative core tech topics. In fact, in the past year, there have been more articles devoted to other core tech topics. In fact, in the past year, there have been more articles devoted to discussion of crypto to discussion of crypto than to diversity and inclusion in Europe. We have an than to diversity and inclusion in Europe. We have an opportunity to shine a much brighter spotlight on the opportunity to shine a much brighter spotlight on the problem. problem. Share of total tech news narrative by topic 43.6% area and region Fundraising 34.0% LEGEND 11.8% European news sources Exits (IPOs & M&A) 11.5% US news sources 11.9% Blockchain 8.1% 19.9% Artificial Intelligence 16.7% 10.6% Diversity & Inclusion 7.4% Note: Based on ~3,000 stories across 843 European news sources (primarily UK focused) and ~2,700 stories across 1,103 US news Source: sources from Septemeber 2017 to September 2018. & 30 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com Photo: Petri Anttila

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