We’ve Got a Problem No single question in the survey received a stronger level of agreement than this one. When asked if having a diverse team is a benefit to company performance, almost 90% of No single question in the survey received a stronger level of agreement than this one. When asked if having a respondents agree. If the European tech ecosystem wants to achieve its full potential, then diverse team is a bene t to company performance, almost 90% of respondents agree. If the European tech diversity and inclusion has to be at its core. ecosystem wants to achieve its full potential, then diversity and inclusion has to be at its core. Having a diverse team is a bene t to company performance Female LEGEND Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Male 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of respondents Source: The European tech community is dominated by men. Women account for just 22% of The European tech community is dominated by men. Women account for just 22% of participants in tech-related participants in tech-related Meetup events in the region. Notably, the industry is failing to Meetup events in the region. Notably, the industry is failing to make any meaningful progress, having seen an make any meaningful progress, having seen an increase of just a single percentage point in increase of just a single percentage point in the level of female participation at European tech community events the level of female participation at European tech community events in the past two years. in the past two years. 25 Share of female attendees in tech-related Meetup events in Europe 22% 21% 21% 20 LEGEND Total in Europe (%) s e e d15 n e t t a e l ma e f f10 o % 5 0 2016 2017 2018 Note: Source: % of the reported gender of attendees only. Diversity is one of our core values. It’s vital to our business and has been embedded from the beginning. Diverse teams are better for business, and better for creativity. Pip Jamieson The Dots & 27 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

The State of European Tech - Page 27 The State of European Tech Page 26 Page 28