04.1 People Power Europe’s professional developer workforce PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPER TALENT POOL continues to grow strongly professional developers in Europe, which represents growth of 200,000 compared 5.7mto 5.5 million in 2017. This also compares to 4.4 million in the US, a number that stayed flat year on year. Germany, Europe’s largest country by population, is also home to the region’s largest Germany, Europe's largest country by population, is also home to the region's largest single market for professional single market for professional developer talent, followed very closely by the UK and Germany, Europe's largest country by population, is also home to the region's largest single market for professional developer talent, followed very closely by the UK and then France in a more distant third place then France in a more distant third place developer talent, followed very closely by the UK and then France in a more distant third place # of professional developers Germany 851,000 # of professional developers Germany 851,000 by country (2018 and 2017) United Kingdom 830,500 by country (2018 and 2017) United Kingdom 830,500 TOP 10 France 491,800 TOP 10 France 491,800 LEGEND Russia 407,100 LEGEND 2018 Russia 407,100 Italy 308,900 2018 2017 Italy 308,900 Spain 308,500 2017 308,500 Spain Netherlands 310,000 Note: Netherlands Poland 310,000 Where data for 2017 was not available, 254,500 Note: this is shown as blank Poland Ukraine 254,500 Where data for 2017 was not available, 172,000 this is shown as blank Ukraine Sweden 172,000 176,000 Sweden 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 176,000 Note: # of professional developers Where data for 2017 was not available, this is 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 shown as blank # of professional developers Source: Source: Europe is home to at least 30 different hubs with 50,000 or more professional Europe is home to at least 30 different hubs with 50,000 or more professional developers. It's three largest hubs developers. Its three largest hubs for developers are London, Paris and Amsterdam, Europe is home to at least 30 different hubs with 50,000 or more professional developers. It's three largest hubs for developers are London, Paris and Amsterdam, which together are home to about 15% of the region's total which together are home to about 15% of the region’s total developers. for developers are London, Paris and Amsterdam, which together are home to about 15% of the region's total developers developers Top 30 European cities by # of London 357,900 Top 30 European cities by # of London 357,900 professional developers in 2018 Paris 268,600 professional developers in 2018 Paris 268,600 TOP 10 Amsterdam 216,800 TOP 10 Amsterdam 216,800 LEGEND Cologne 165,900 LEGEND Professional developers Cologne 165,900 Professional developers Moscow 160,900 Moscow 160,900 Frankfurt am Main 120,700 Frankfurt am Main 120,700 Madrid 111,800 Madrid 111,800 Manchester 110,600 Manchester 110,600 Berlin 99,400 Berlin 99,400 Zurich 99,100 Zurich 99,100 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 # of professional developers # of professional developers Source: Source: Germany’s largest hubs for professional developers PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPER TALENT POOL might surprise you 165,900 professional developers in Cologne, Germany’s largest hub for engineering talent & 45 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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