05.3 Density, through Interconnected Tech Hubs In addition to opening offices in new hubs to tap alternative talent pools, a large number of European founders recruit high-performing In addition to opening o�ces in new hubs to tap alternative talent pools, a large number of European founders talent from other hubs, though the likelihood of doing so increases recruit high-performing talent from other hubs, though the likelihood of doing so increases signi�cantly as the size significantly as the size of the company increases. of the company increases. I have recruited high-performing talent from other hubs, by company size by # of <=10 19% 81% employees LEGEND Yes No 11-100 35% 65% 100+ 63% 37% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of respondents Note: Source: Founder respondents only. Europe’s tech ecosystem also benefits from an interconnected flow of capital, driven by connections between investors and founders across borders. Europe’s VCs, in particular, are highly connected and Europe's tech ecosystem also bene ts from an interconnected ow of capital, driven by connections between EEuuroroppee's t's teecchh e eccoossyysstetemm a alsolso b beennee tsts f froromm a ann i inntetercrcoonnnneecctetedd ooww o of cf caappitiatal,l d, drirviveenn b byy c coonnnneecctitoionnss b beetwtweeeenn investors and founders across borders. Europe's VCs, in particular, are highly connected and have almost have almost unanimously built relationships and benefit from positive ininvveesstotors ars anndd f foouunnddeers ars accrorosss bs boordrdeersrs. E. Euuroroppee's's V VCCss, i, inn p paartritcicuulalar,r a, arere h higighhlyly c coonnnneecctetedd a anndd h haavvee a almlmoosstt unanimously built relationships and bene t from positive interactions with fellow investors from other hubs across interactions with fellow investors from other hubs across the region – a uunnaannimimoouuslysly b buuilitl rt reelalatitoionnshishippss a anndd b beennee t ft froromm p poossitiitvivee i innteteraracctitoionnss w witihth f feellloloww i innvveesstotorsrs f froromm o oththeer hr huubbss a accrorossss the region. unique advantage given the diversity of the European market as a whole. ththee r reeggioionn. . I have interacted positively with investors OCCUPATION from other hubs Founder or I hI havaev ien itnetrearcatcetd ped poosistiitvievleyl wy witiht ihn ivnevsetsotorsrs frforomm o othtehre hr hubsubs startup/scale-up 56% 44% employee DATASET: OCCUPATION FoFuonudnedre orr or stsatraturtpu/ps/csacleal-eu-pup 565%6% 444%4% employee DADTAATASSEET:T :O OCCCCUUPAPTAITOIONN employee LEGEND Yes Investor 95% 5% LELEGGEENNDD InIvnevsetsotror 959%5% 5% No 5% YeYses 0 20 40 60 80 100 Europe's tech ecosystem also bene ts from an interconnected ow of capital, driven by connections between NoNo % of respondents 00 2020 4040 6060 8080 101000 investors and founders across borders. Europe's VCs, in particular, are highly connected and have almost %% of o rfe rsepospondnednetnsts unanimously built relationships and bene t from positive interactions with fellow investors from other hubs across the region. Source: Europe's tech ecosystem also bene ts from an interconnected ow of capital, driven by connections between Europe's tech ecosystem also bene ts from an interconnected ow of capital, driven by connections between COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES SoSuorucrec:e: investors and founders across borders. Europe's VCs, in particular, are highly connected and have almost investors and founders across borders. Europe's VCs, in particular, are highly connected and have almost unanimously built relationships and bene t from positive interactions with fellow investors from other hubs across unanimously built relationships and bene t from positive interactions with fellow investors from other hubs across the region. <=10 59% 41% the region. Note: In subregions, only founders' and startup/scale-up employees' I have interacted positively with investors NoNotet:e: responses included. In company sizes, only founders' 11-100 InI snu sburbergeigoinosn, so,n olny lfyo fuonudnedresr' sa'n adn sdt satraturtp/up/scsacleal-eu-p uep mpemplolyoeyeese' s' 72% 28% responses. from other hubs Founder or rerseposponsnesse isn icnlculduedde.d In. I cno cmpaompanyn syi zseizse, so,n olny lfyo fuonudnedresr' s' startup/scale-up <=10 59% 41% rerseposponsnesse.s. employee 56% 44% DATASET: OCCUPATION LEGEND 100+ 79% 21% Yes Investor 95% 5% Note: 11-100 72% 28% In subregions, only founders' and startup/scale-up employees' No 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 responses included. In company sizes, only founders' 0 20 40 60 80 100 responses. % of respondents % of respondents 100+ 79% 21% Note: In subregions, only founders' and startup/scale-up employees' Source: responses included. In company sizes, only founders' Source: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 responses. % of respondents Source: Note: In subregions, only founders' and startup/scale-up employees' responses included. In company sizes, only founders' responses. & 72 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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