09.1 Billion-Dollar Companies The gripe used to be that Europe had yet to prove it could be home to multiple $1 billion+ businesses. We have decisively put that question to rest. The gripe used to be that Europe had yet to prove it could be home to multiple $1 billion+ businesses. We have decisively put that question to rest. Momentum has accelerated, and now we are able to regularly build businesses that surpass the $5 billion+ threshold and have produced two in the $15 billion+ range. However, what we are missing “ still is an iconic and enduring category leading business, based in Europe that has scaled globally and is valued over $50 billion. I do Sonali de Rycker believe this too is just a matter of time.” Accel European founders have built huge businesses in a wide European founders have built huge businesses in a wide range of categories range of categories # of $1B+ European tech companies founded Software for Enterprise Apps 14 since 2003 Financial Services 11 LEGEND Retail 9 # of $1B+ companies Interactive Entertainment 8 Travel & Transportation 6 Social & Consumer Apps 5 Food and Drink 3 Real Estate 3 Adtech 1 Healthcare 1 Note: Source: $B+ European tech companies founded since 2003 The 2010s have already produced 15x more $1B+ companies by Year 8 (2018) of the decade compared to the equivalent point (2008) of the 2000s. The cohort from that The 2010s have already produced 15x more $B+ companies by Year 8 (2018) of the decade compared to the earlier decade grew from 2 in 2008 to 31 today. Based on a similar expansion of the equivalent point (2008) of the 2000s. The cohort from that earlier decade grew from 2 in 2008 to 31 today. Based cohort from the 2010s, it’s not far from unrealistic to imagine 30 companies today on a similar expansion of the cohort from the 2010s, it's not far from unrealistic to imagine 30 companies today from this decade growing to more than 100. from this decade growing to more than 100. # of European tech companies by founding year decade that had reached a $1B+ 100 100 milestone by Year 8 and Year 18 of the decade s e (Year 18 for 2010s cohort illustrative only) i n mpa75 o c LEGEND h c e t 2000s n a 2010s pe o 50 r u E + B 1 $ 31 f 30 o # 25 2 0 Year 8 Year 18 Note: $1B+ European tech companies split by the decade of the Source: founding year. The 100 number shown for Year 18 of the 2010s is illustrative only. 128 In Partnership with & www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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