2018 Key Findings Europe’s tech industry is the best hope for growth for a stalling European economy TECH INDUSTRY GROWTH X 5 Europe’s tech (software) industry is growing 5x faster than the rest of the European economy in terms of Gross Value Added, a level that has accelerated in recent years. Eurostat EMERGING TECH HUBS % 4 The European tech workforce grew 4% in 2018 (source: LinkedIn), a significant difference to overall EU employment growth of 1.1%. European Commission The gains from Europe’s tech boom are not yet being democratised PENSION FUNDS INVESTMENT X 45 Pension funds are not yet democratising Europe’s tech sector boom - over the last five years, pension funds have invested just $1.7B in European VC, but have invested 45x more in European buyout funds, equivalent to more than $75B over that period. HNW INVESTMENT $ B 5 European tech growth and record success has not gone unnoticed by family offices and high net-worth individuals (HNWs). Over the last five years they have invested over $5bn in European venture capital funds. Only government agencies have invested more in European VC in that same period. & 5 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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