10.1 There’s lots to overcome Build an investor base to The transformation of the European have access to the same capital and target underrepresented investor base into a deep and advice as those in London, Paris or communities increasingly sophisticated network Berlin. This means a new generation of interconnected sources of funding of sophisticated investors in new has elevated European tech to geographies and explicitly seeking to another level. But the job is not close invest in diverse groups of founders. to being finished. Europe’s challenge What can we do to help incentivise is to identify and support emerging and support this next generation of fund managers and angels that can investors? target the communities that do not Bridge the tech and policy European tech leaders and and help strengthen the European tech divide to harness tech for policymakers want to work more closely ecosystem. How can we build a bridge good together, but they are still speaking to create a European tech ecosystem across each other today. If aligned that is working in concert with its more closely we could create better policymakers to unlock the potential of products and services for consumers using tech for good? Stop living in the past and People still talk about Europe like it region of multiple democratic countries drop the cliches can’t do tech. And for sure, Europe and languages. We need to throw away has historically not created as much disparaging clichés about European enterprise value from tech as the US tech. Europe’s tech ecosystem is and China. That isn’t surprising. The US flourishing and rapidly gaining ‘market tech ecosystem has a 30-year headstart share’ on the global stage. If we can’t on the European ecosystem. China is a stop talking about the past, how can we closed market with heavy government focus on the future? support which cannot be replicated in a Compensate talent and Europe’s biggest challenge, arguably, back from overseas. Europe now bring it to Europe remains a shallow pool of executive offers compelling opportunities to level talent with experience scaling tech join amazing companies, but needs to companies to thousands of employees, align compensation to compete with millions of users and billions of revenue. benchmarks elsewhere. What can The ecosystem is, therefore, reliant Europe do to help incentivise talent on attracting global talent to Europe more effectively? or to luring home European talent Prioritise diversity and This challenge is so great, it should be and stakeholders even if it solves all the inclusion Europe’s first and most urgent priority. other challenges. Some people have If Europe fails to make meaningful started to make a difference. Diversity progress on this, it will still be unable VC has created a toolkit for founders to reach its full potential in terms of to address diversity and inclusion. So, creating value for consumers, business what are you doing? & 140 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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