03.2 We’re All Part of the Problem This is exemplified by the fact that people of Black, African or Caribbean ethnicity that are working in the European tech ecosystem are more This is exempliïed by the fact that people of Black, African or Caribbean ethnicity that are working in the European likely to have experienced discrimination than not. tech ecosystem are more likely to have experienced discrimination than not. Share of respondents who have experienced Asian 35% discrimination by self-deïned ethnicity LEGEND Black/African/Caribbean 55% % of respondents who have experienced discrimination Mixed/Multiple 33% Other 39% White 22% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % of respondents who have experienced discrimination Note: The sample size for all ethnicities is not large, but this fact Source: itself tells a story of its own. & 37 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com Photo: Kai Kuusisto / Petri Anttila
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