03.2 We’re All Part of the Problem Women are experiencing an alarming level of DISCRIMINATION IN THE EUROPEAN TECH INDUSTRY discrimination in the European tech industry of female respondents have % experienced some form of 46 discrimination while working in the European tech industry “ Diversity is a key challenge facing the tech ecosystem here in Europe, and it is ironic that more companies are not looking to address that Companies are not looking challenge when talent is also such a key issue for them. Companies widely and deeply enough for are not looking widely and deeply enough for diverse talent. Founders diverse talent. Founders need need to take ownership of this as they scale.” to take ownership of this as Baroness Martha Lane Fox they scale. Doteveryone Discrimination based on gender might be the most visible and quantifiable, but it is not the only form of discrimination that exists at worrying levels in the European tech ecosystem. Discrimination based on gender might be the most visible and quanti able, but it is from the only form of A meaningful number of respondents have experienced discrimination based on age and discrimination that exists at worrying levels in the European tech ecosystem. Meaningful numbers of respondents ethnicity too. The survey can’t accurately quantify the level of discrimination based on have experienced discrimination based on age and ethnicity too. The survey can't accurately quantify the level of disability or sexual orientation, but the data points to these being very prevalent here too. discrimination based on disability of sexual orientation, but the data points to these being very prevalent here too. Types of discrimination experienced by 40% Age people who have experienced any form of it 39% when working in European tech 90% Gender 32% LEGEND 6% Female Sexual orientation 12% Male 11% Ethnicity 32% 1% Disability 5% 3% Religion 11% 0 20 40 60 80 10 0 Source: % of respondents that have experienced each form of discrimination Note: The respondents' mix in self-identi ed ethnicity: 84% White, 5% Asian, 1% Black/African/Caribbean, 3% Mixed/Multiple, 2% Other, 4% Prefer not to say. The underrepresentation of people from less privileged socio-economic backgrounds or persons with disabilities seems to be missing from the conversation entirely. “ In Europe we have blindly imported Silicon Valley’s conversation on diversity and inclusion, which is often too narrow in scope, and further marginalises other underrepresented groups or leaves itself vulnerable to accusations of identity politics. For example, the underrepresentation of people from less privileged socio-economic backgrounds or persons with disabilities seems to be missing from the conversation entirely.” Steve O’Hear TechCrunch & 36 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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