04.3 An Ecosystem Powered by Migratory Talent For additional context, it is worth analysing a similar dataset covering tech talent movement in 2017 provided by LinkedIn for last year’s State of European Tech For additional context, it is worth analysing a similar dataset covering tech talent For additional context, it is worth analysing a similar dataset covering tech talent movement in 2017 provided by movement in 2017 provided by LinkedIn for last year’s State of European Tech. LinkedIn for last year’s State of European Tech Top 10 European destinations for non- United Kingdom 32.6% European movers into European tech United Kingdom 32.6% Top 10 European destinations for non- Germany 11.7% industry in 2017 European movers into European tech Germany 11.7% industry in 2017 France 10.7% LEGEND Comparison to Similar Data from SOET 2017 France 6.2% 10.7% LEGEND Netherlands Comparison to Similar Data from SOET 2017 Netherlands 6.2% Spain 5.5% Spain 5.5% Ireland 5.0% Ireland 5.0% Sweden 3.5% Sweden 3.5% Switzerland 2.3% Switzerland 2.3% 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 % of non-European movers 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 Note: % of non-European movers All interpretations of LinkedIn data made by Atomico, not LinkedIn. A ‘mover’ is deïned by LinkedIn as someone now Source: Note: working in tech industry who has moved country for primary All interpretations of LinkedIn data made by Atomico, not employment between 2017 & 2016. Portugal and Belgium not LinkedIn. A ‘mover’ is deïned by LinkedIn as someone now Source: provided by LinkedIn. working in tech industry who has moved country for primary employment between 2017 & 2016. Portugal and Belgium not provided by LinkedIn. Though the largest share of founders in each region have seen no change in the trend of candidates relocating internationally to join their business, they are significantly more Thought the largest share of founders in each region have seen no change in the trend of candidates relocating likely to have experienced an increase in this trend in the past 12 months, rather than a internationally to join their business, they are signiïcantly more likely to have experienced an increase in this trend decline. A larger share of founders in France & Benelux and DACH have seen an increase in in the past 12 months, rather than a decline. A larger share of founders in France & Benelux and DACH have seen an this trend, while UK fincoreuansed ienr ts ahis trre menod,r we lhiilkee Uly tK fohuann adernsy r aree mgioorn te lio hkelya tve shan aeneyn a d regioenc troe haasvee. seen a decrease. % change in founders' view on change in Central Europe & Baltics candidates relocating internationally to join their company, by subregion (past 12m) DACH LEGEND Eastern Europe Increase No change France & Benelux Decrease Nordics Southern Europe UK & Ireland 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Note: Respondents stating 'Not able to comment' ïltered out. Source: Founder respondents only. Taking the trend from the opposite perspective and looking at trends of founders reporting Taking the trend from the opposite perspective and looking at trends of founders reporting changes in employee changes in employee interest to leave the country by relocating overseas, founders in the UK interest to leave the country by relocating overseas, founders in the UK & Ireland and in Eastern Europe are seeing the largest increase compared to other regions. & Ireland and in Eastern Europe are seeing the largest increase compared to other regions. % change in founders' view on change in Central Europe & Baltics employees leaving their country to relocate to another country, by subregion (past 12m) DACH LEGEND Eastern Europe Increase No change France & Benelux Decrease Nordics Southern Europe UK & Ireland 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Note: Respondents stating 'Not able to comment' ïltered out. Source: Founder respondents only. & 54 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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