07.1 Embracing Regulation Importantly, however, there is a very strong majority agreement across the board Importantly, however, there is a very strong majority agreement across the board from all stakeholder types that from all stakeholder types that GDPR has been a good thing for European consumers. GDPR has been a good thing for European consumers. One might say, therefore, that any perceived negative Importantly, however, there is a very strong majority agreement across the board from all stakeholder types that One might say, therefore, that any perceived negative impact for companies is a impact for companies is a justiïable cost of scaling more ethically GDPR has been a good thing for European consumers. One might say, therefore, that any perceived negative justifiable cost of scaling more ethically. Importantly, however, there is a very strong majority agreement across the board from all stakeholder types that impact for companies is a justiïable cost of scaling more ethically GDPR has been a good thing for European consumers. One might say, therefore, that any perceived negative GDPR has been a good thing for European impact for companies is a justiïable cost of scaling more ethically consumers DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS GDPR has been a good thing for European DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS consumers GDPR has been a good thing for European DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS LEGEND consumers Agree LEGEND DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS Neither agree nor disagree All respondents Agree LEGEND Disagree All respondents Neither agree nor disagree Agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree All respondents Disagree 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of respondents 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of respondents 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Importantly, however, there is a very strong majority agreement across the board from all stakeholder types that Source: % of respondents GDPR has been a good thing for European consumers. One might say, therefore, that any perceived negative Source: impact for companies is a justiïable cost of scaling more ethically DATASET: SUBREGIONS Source: GDPR has been a good thing for European Central Europe & Baltics consumers DATASET: SUBREGIONS DACH LEGEND Eastern Europe Agree Neither agree nor disagree France & Benelux Disagree Nordics Southern Europe UK & Ireland 0 20 40 60 80 100 Importantly, however, there is a very strong majority agreement across the board from all stakeholder types that % of respondents GDPR has been a good thing for European consumers. One might say, therefore, that any perceived negative impact for companies is a justiïable cost of scaling more ethically DATASET: OCCUPATION Source: GDPR has been a good thing for European Academic/researcher consumers DATASET: OCCUPATION Angel investor LEGEND Employee at a private company that is Agree not a tech startup/scale-up Neither agree nor disagree Employee at a private tech startup or scale-up Disagree Employee at a publicly listed non-tech company Employee at a publicly listed tech company Employee in the public sector Founder Media/Journalist Other investor Policymaker/regulator Student Venture capitalist 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Source: & 96 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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