07.1 Embracing Regulation A clear majority of the European tech GDPR ecosystem believes GDPR has been good for European consumers of all respondents agree that GDPR % has been a good thing for European 60 consumers, including 54% of European founders that are in agreement. The European tech industry’s sentiment around the impact of GDPR is more balanced than might be expected. Founders are more likely to agree it’s had a negative impact on The European tech industry's sentiment around the impact of GDPR is more balanced than might be expected. The European tech industry's sentiment around the impact of GDPR is more balanced than might be expected. Founders are more likely to agree it's had a negative impact on their company than disagree, but not by a large their company than disagree, but not by a large margin. Counter-intuitively, perhaps, The European tech industry's sentiment around the impact of GDPR is more balanced than might be expected. Founders are more likely to agree it's had a negative impact on their company than disagree, but not by a large margin. Counter-intuitively, perhaps, founders of larger companies (100+ employees) are more likely to agree it's founders of larger companies (100+ employees) are more likely to agree it’s had a Founders are more likely to agree it's had a negative impact on their company than disagree, but not by a large margin. Counter-intuitively, perhaps, founders of larger companies (100+ employees) are more likely to agree it's had a negative impact than founders of smaller tech companies margin. Counter-intuitively, perhaps, founders of larger companies (100+ employees) are more likely to agree it's negative impact than founders of smaller tech companies. had a negative impact than founders of smaller tech companies had a negative impact than founders of smaller tech companies GDPR has had a negative impact on my DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS GDPR has had a negative impact on my company GDPR has had a negative impact on my company DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS company All respondents DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS All respondents DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS LEGEND All respondents LEGEND Agree LEGEND Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Neither agree nor disagree Disagree 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Neither agree nor disagree The European tech industry's sentiment around the impact of GDPR is more balanced than might be expected. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Disagree % of respondents Disagree Founders are more likely to agree it's had a negative impact on their company than disagree, but not by a large % of respondents % of respondents margin. Counter-intuitively, perhaps, founders of larger companies (100+ employees) are more likely to agree it's Source: had a negative impact than founders of smaller tech companies DATASET: OCCUPATION Source: Source: GDPR has had a negative impact on my Academic/researcher company DATASET: OCCUPATION Angel investor LEGEND Employee at a private company that is Note: not a tech startup/scale-up In company sizes only founders' responses included Agree Note: Note: In company sizes only founders' responses included Employee at a private tech startup or In company sizes only founders' responses included Neither agree nor disagree scale-up Disagree Employee at a publicly listed non-tech company Employee at a publicly listed tech company Employee in the public sector Founder Media/Journalist Other investor Policymaker/regulator Student Venture capitalist The European tech industry's sentiment around the impact of GDPR is more balanced than might be expected. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Founders are more likely to agree it's had a negative impact on their company than disagree, but not by a large % of respondents margin. Counter-intuitively, perhaps, founders of larger companies (100+ employees) are more likely to agree it's had a negative impact than founders of smaller tech companies DATASET: COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES Note: Source: In company sizes only founders' responses included GDPR has had a negative impact on my company <=10 DATASET: COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES LEGEND Agree Neither agree nor disagree 11-100 Disagree 100+ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of respondents Note: Source: In company sizes only founders' responses included & 95 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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