Growing Communities Europe has huge upside potential is it succeeds in building active tech communities in all cities where there are large tech talent clusters. This is because there is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a very high correlation (r-squared of 0.914) between the strength of tech community There is a, perhaps unsurprisingly, very high correlation (r-squared of 0.914) between the strength of tech engagement within cities, as defined by the number of tech-related community engagement within cities, as deïned by the number of tech-related Meetups, and the rate of Meetups, and the rate of companies formation. companies forming and raising funds Number of funded companies (2013 to 9M 2,500 2018) versus number of tech-related Meetups London (2013 to 9M 2018) per city, selected European 2,000 cities s e i n mpa1,500 o c Paris d e d n u 1,000 F Berlin # Stockholm 500 Amsterdam Helsinki Dublin Prague Warsaw 0 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 # Meetups Source: But not all cities with large engineering talent pools have been able to build vibrant communities where people meet up frequently to But not all cities that have large engineering talent pools have been able to build vibrant communities where people are meeting up with high frequency to exchange ideas and knowledge. exchange ideas and knowledge. Number of tech-related Meetups per London professional developer (2013 to 9M 2018) versus number of professional developers per city, selected European cities s300,000.00 r Paris pe o l e v e Amsterdam d l a200,000.00 n o i s Cologne s e f o r P Frankfurt am Main # Munich Berlin 100,000.00 Brussels Prague Hamburg Dublin 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.12 0.15 # Meetups per developer Source: & 63 In Partnership with

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