07.1 Embracing Regulation This willingness to build bridges is important since key stakeholders in the European tech ecosystem take a majority view that European regulation makes it harder to This willingness to build bridges is important since key stakeholders in the European tech ecosystem take a start and scale a technology business in the region. majority view that European regulation makes it harder to start and scale a technology business in the region European regulation makes it harder to start and scale a technology business Founder or startup/scale-up employee LEGEND Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Venture capitalist Policymaker or employee in the public sector 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Source: Opinions on whether startups/scaleups or large established tech companies feels Unsurprisingly then, Founders also believe they feel more of the regulatory burden in Europe than established tech the regulatory burden more keenly are split. Both founders of startups/scaleups and Unsurprisingly then, Founders also believe they feel more of the regulatory burden in Europe than established tech companies. Of course, if you ask those that work at public tech companies, they are more likely to say the those who work in public tech companies both tend to think that they shoulder most companies. Of course, if you ask those that work at public tech companies, they are more likely to say the opposite. Unsurprisingly then, Founders also believe they feel more of the regulatory burden in Europe than established tech of the regulatory burden. opposite. companies. Of course, if you ask those that work at public tech companies, they are more likely to say the Do you think the regulatory burden in Europe Academic/researcher opposite. is more felt by tech startups or established Academic/researcher Do you think the regulatory burden in Europe DATASET: OCCUPATION tech companies? Angel investor is more felt by tech startups or established tech companies? Angel investor Do you think the regulatory burden in Europe Academic/researcher DATASET: OCCUPATION Employee at a private company that is is more felt by tech startups or established DATASET: OCCUPATION not a tech startup/scale-up LEGEND Employee at a private company that is tech companies? Angel investor not a tech startup/scale-up LEGEND Employee at a private tech startup or Established tech companies DATASET: OCCUPATION scale-up Established tech companies Employee at a private tech startup or No difference Employee at a private company that is scale-up not a tech startup/scale-up LEGEND Employee at a publicly listed non-tech No difference Tech startups company Employee at a publicly listed non-tech Established tech companies Employee at a private tech startup or Tech startups company scale-up No difference Employee at a publicly listed tech company Employee at a publicly listed tech Tech startups Employee at a publicly listed non-tech company company Employee in the public sector Employee at a publicly listed tech Employee in the public sector company Founder Founder Employee in the public sector Media/Journalist Media/Journalist Founder Other investor Other investor Media/Journalist Policymaker/regulator Policymaker/regulator Other investor Student Student Policymaker/regulator Venture capitalist Venture capitalist Student 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Venture capitalist 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents 0 20 40 60 80 100 Unsurprisingly then, Founders also believe they feel more of the regulatory burden in Europe than established tech Source: % of respondents Source: companies. Of course, if you ask those that work at public tech companies, they are more likely to say the opposite. DATASET: SUBREGIONS Source: Do you think the regulatory burden in Europe Central Europe & Baltics is more felt by tech startups or established tech companies? DACH DATASET: SUBREGIONS Eastern Europe LEGEND Established tech companies France & Benelux No difference Tech startups Nordics Southern Europe UK & Ireland 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Source: & 94 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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