03.3 Accelerating Change Photo: Anrietta Kuosku One way to explore the extent to which the European tech industry is tackling diversity and One way to explore the extent to which the European tech industry is tackling diversity and inclusion is by inclusion is by examining the level of adoption of different policies that can help to enable a One way to explore the extent to which the European tech industry is tackling diversity and inclusion is by examining the level of adoption of different policies that can help to enable a more diverse and inclusive company more diverse and inclusive company culture. Flexible working, for example, has a high level examining the level of adoption of different policies that can help to enable a more diverse and inclusive company culture. Flexible working, for example, has a high level of adoption among European tech companies. of adoption among European tech companies. culture. Flexible working, for example, has a high level of adoption among European tech companies. My company has a exible working policy DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS My company has a exible working policy DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS LEGEND All respondents 91% 9% LEGEND All respondents 91% 9% Yes Yes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 No One way to explore the extent to which the European tech industry is tackling diversity and inclusion is by % of respondents No 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of respondents examining the level of adoption of different policies that can help to enable a more diverse and inclusive company culture. Flexible working, for example, has a high level of adoption among European tech companies. Source: Note: DATASET: INDUSTRY Source: Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up Note: employees. My company has a exible working policy Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up employees. Tech 92% 8% DATASET: INDUSTRY LEGEND Yes Non-tech No 90% 10% One way to explore the extent to which the European tech industry is tackling diversity and inclusion is by examining the level of adoption of different policies that can help to enable a more diverse and inclusive company 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 culture. Flexible working, for example, has a high level of adoption among European tech companies. % of respondents My company has a exible working policy DATASET: COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES Source: DATASET: COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES LEGEND Yes <=10 94% 6% No Note: Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up 11-100 92% 8% employees. 100+ 88% 12% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of respondents Note: Note: Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up Source: Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up employees. employees. & 39 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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