03.3 Accelerating Change Similarly, founders and employees of Europe’s private tech startups and scale-ups report high levels of adoption of dedicated parental leave policies, though there is a marked Similarly, founders and employees of Europe's private tech startups and scaleups report high levels of adoption of difference based on company size. In fact, nearly 40% of companies that are still fewer dedicated parental leave policies, though there is a marked difference based on company size. In fact, nearly 40% than 10 employees have yet to put in place a parental leave policy of companies that are still fewer than 10 employees have yet to put in place a parental leave policy My company has a parental leave policy DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS LEGEND All respondents 78% 22% Yes Similarly, founders and employees of Europe's private tech startups and scaleups report high levels of adoption of No 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 dedicated parental leave policies, though there is a marked difference based on company size. In fact, nearly 40% of companies that are still fewer than 10 employees have yet to put in place a parental leave policy % of respondents DATASET: INDUSTRY My company has a parental leave policy DATASET: INDUSTRY Tech 74% 26% LEGEND Yes No Non-tech 87% 13% Similarly, founders and employees of Europe's private tech startups and scaleups report high levels of adoption of Note: Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up dedicated parental leave policies, though there is a marked difference based on company size. In fact, nearly 40% employees. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 of companies that are still fewer than 10 employees have yet to put in place a parental leave policy % of respondents My company has a parental leave policy DATASET: COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES DATASET: COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES LEGEND <=10 62% 38% Yes No 11-100 75% 25% Note: Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up 100+ 88% 12% employees. Note: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up % of respondents employees. Flexible working and parental leave policies are important steps towards enabling a more diverse workforce, but may not be sufficient on their own. Interestingly, a large Similarly, founders and employees of Europe's private tech startups and scaleups report high levels of adoption of percentage of companies, especially smaller ones, have not yet implemented an overall dedicated parental leave policies, though there is a marked difference based on company size. In fact, nearly 40% of companies that are still fewer than 10 employees have yet to put in place a parental leave policy diversity and inclusion policy. My company has a diversity & inclusion policy DATASET: ALL RESPONDENTS LEGEND All respondents 53% 47% Yes Similarly, founders and employees of Europe's private tech startups and scaleups report high levels of adoption of No 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 dedicated parental leave policies, though there is a marked difference based on company size. In fact, nearly 40% of companies that are still fewer than 10 employees have yet to put in place a parental leave policy % of respondents DATASET: INDUSTRY My company has a parental leave policy DATASET: INDUSTRY Tech 48% 52% LEGEND Yes No Non-tech 62% 38% Note: Similarly, founders and employees of Europe's private tech startups and scaleups report high levels of adoption of Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up dedicated parental leave policies, though there is a marked difference based on company size. In fact, nearly 40% employees. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 of companies that are still fewer than 10 employees have yet to put in place a parental leave policy % of respondents My company has a parental leave policy DATASET: COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES DATASET: COMPANY SIZE BY # OF EMPLOYEES LEGEND <=10 41% 59% Yes No 11-100 42% 58% Note: Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up 100+ 58% 42% employees. Note: Company size only includes founder and startup/scale-up 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 employees. % of respondents & 40 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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