Deepening Europe’s frontier tech credentials FFrraannccee,, G Geerrmmaannyy a anndd t thhee U UKK a arree t thhee l laarrggeesstt d deessttiinnaattiioonnss f foorr c caappiittaall i innvveessttmmeennttss i innttoo E Euurrooppeeaann t teecchh c coommppaanniieess,, Europe has experienced rapid growth in bbuutt t thheerree a arree m meeaanniinnggffuull su summss b beeiinngg i innvveesstteedd i innttoo d deeeepp t teecchh c coommppaanniieess a accrroossss t thhee r reeggiioonn,, i inncclluuddiinngg i innttoo investments into deep tech. ccoouunnttrriiees sus succhh a as Ss Swweeddeenn a anndd S Swwiittzzeerrllaanndd.. CCaappiittaall i innvveesstteed (d ($$MM)) i inn E Euurrooppeeaann de deeepp tteecchh DATASET: TOP 10 COUNTIRES ccoommppaanniieess b byy c coouunnttrryy UUnniitteedd KKiinnggddoomm 1,752 4,182 1,752 4,182 FFrraannccee 912 1,958 912 1,958 LLEEGGEENNDD Germany Germany 1,372 335511 1,372 22001133--22001177 Switzerland Switzerland 618 22001188 660044 618 SSwweeddeenn 145 918 145 918 Netherlands Netherlands 93 611 93 611 Spain Spain 333388 Finland Finland 331133 BBeellggiiuumm 294 294 Austria Austria 288 288 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 FFrraannccee,, G Geerrmmaannyy a anndd t thhee U UKK a arree t thhee l laarrggeesstt d deessttiinnaattiioonnss f foorr c caappiittaall i innvveessttmmeennttss i innttoo E Euurrooppeeaann t teecchh c coommppaanniieess,, CCaapipittaall iinnvveesstteedd (($$MM)) bbuutt t thheerree a arree m meeaanniinnggffuull su summss b beeiinngg i innvveesstteedd i innttoo d deeeepp t teecchh c coommppaanniieess a accrroossss t thhee r reeggiioonn,, i inncclluuddiinngg i innttoo ccoouunnttrriiees sus succhh a as Ss Swweeddeenn a anndd S Swwiittzzeerrllaanndd.. SSoouurrccee:: DATASET: COUNTRIES 11-20 CCaappiittaall i innvveesstteed (d ($$MM)) i inn E Euurrooppeeaann de deeepp t teecchh IrIreelalanndd 223366 3399 ccoommppaanniieess b byy c coouunnttrryy ItItaalyly 119922 8833 NoNottee:: 22001188 bbaasseedd oonn 99 momonntthhss ttoo SSeepptteembmbeerr 22001188 aanndd prproojjeeccttiioonn ffoorr NNoorrwwaayy 117700 4400 DDAATTAASSEETT:: CCOOUUNNTTRRIIEESS 1111--2200 AANNDD RREESSTT OOFF QQ44 22001188 bbaasseedd oonn QQ33 22001188.. EEUURROOPPEE CCyypprruuss 5566 115511 LLEEGGEENNDD RRuussssiaia 111144 4444 22001133--22001177 DDeennmmaarrkk 7711 8877 22001188 PPoorrttuuggaall 5577 4411 PPoolalanndd 6622 00 RRoommaanniaia 6600 00 EEssttoonniaia 5500 00 RReesstt o off E Euurrooppee 114499 44 00 5500 110000 115500 220000 225500 330000 CCaapipittaal li ninvveesstteedd ( $($MM)) NoNottee:: 22001188 b baasseedd o onn 9 9 mo monntthhss t too S Seepptteembmbeerr 2 2001188 a anndd pr proojejeccttioionn f foorr SSoouurrccee:: QQ44 2 2001188 b baasseedd o onn Q Q33 2 2001188.. The level of capital invested into European deep tech companies exceeded $5B again in 2018 across more than 800 deals. This investment encompasses both companies that are working on solving core technology problems, as well as those companies that are applying deep technology to seek to transform a range of target industries. Capital invested ($B) in and # of deals closed 5.0 1,075.0 by European deep tech companies 4.6 4.3 1,000.0 LEGEND 4.0 857.0 Capital invested ($B) ) 784.0 B 3.2 $ ( 800.0 # # of deals d 3.0 e o t f s e d v e n 615.0 2.4 a i l l s a t 600.0 pi 2.0 a C 1.6 1.0 400.0 0.7 0.0 200.0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Note: 2018 based on 9M to September 2018 and projection for Q4 2018 Source: based on Q3 2018. & 88 In Partnership with

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