07.2 Evolving Tech Policy in Europe In the UK, in particular, it’s revealing to look at the relative level of discussion of key tech issues in UK government legislative documents, activities and press releases. In the UK, in particular, it's revealing to look at the relative level of discussion of key tech issues in UK government Brexit, unsurprisingly, has swamped everything else. legislative documents, activities and press releases. Brexit, unsurprisingly, has swamped everything else. # of mentions of key tech-related issues in Brexit UK government legislative documents by topic per year Data privacy/GDPR LEGEND Artificial Intelligence Activities Press Releases Blockchain/cryptocurrencies Legislation Drones Fintech Autonomous vehicles Content & copyright Digital health Quantum computing CRISPR, Genetic editing Digital tax 0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 Number of legislative documents containing issue keywords Note: This data looks at the number of citations of keywords related to a number of selected technology-related issues in UK Source: government legislation, activities and press releases. & 98 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com Photo: Esa Pekka Mattila

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