07.2 Evolving Tech Policy in Europe There’s a clear growth in focus on Artificial Intelligence in European Parliament There's a clear growth in focus on Artiïcial Intelligence in European Parliament legislative documents, but in other legislative documents, but in other key emerging technology fields, such key emerging technology ïelds, such as quantum computing or autonomous vehicles, there is more 'activity' and There's a clear growth in focus on Artiïcial Intelligence in European Parliament legislative documents, but in other as quantum computing or autonomous vehicles, there is more ‘activity’ and 'commentary' than actual legislation key emerging technology ïelds, such as quantum computing or autonomous vehicles, there is more 'activity' and There's a clear growth in focus on Artiïcial Intelligence in European Parliament legislative documents, but in other ‘commentary’ than actual legislation. 'commentary' than actual legislation key emerging technology ïelds, such as quantum computing or autonomous vehicles, there is more 'activity' and 'commentary' than actual legislation # of mentions of key tech-related issues in Artificial Intelligence 15 24 European Parliament legislation, activities DATASET: LEGISLATION # of mentions of key tech-related issues in Artificial Intelligence 15 24 and press releases by topic per year European Parliament legislation, activities Drones 8 3 # of mentions of key tech-related issues in Artificial Intelligence 15 24 DATASET: LEGISLATION and press releases by topic per year European Parliament legislation, activities Drones 8 3 DATASET: LEGISLATION LEGEND Blockchain/cryptocurrencies 4 6 and press releases by topic per year 2017 Drones 8 3 LEGEND Blockchain/cryptocurrencies 4 6 DATASET: LEGISLATION 2018 2017 Autonomous vehicles 3 3 LEGEND Blockchain/cryptocurrencies 4 6 2018 Autonomous vehicles 3 3 2017 2018 CRISPR & Genetic editing 1 Autonomous vehicles 3 3 CRISPR & Genetic editing 1 Quantum computing 1 CRISPR & Genetic editing 1 Quantum computing 1 0 10 20 30 40 Quantum computing 1 # of legislative documents containing issue keywords 0 10 20 30 40 Note: # of legislative documents containing issue keywords There's a clear growth in focus on Artiïcial Intelligence in European Parliament legislative documents, but in other Legislation = the ongoing process of lawmaking, actual bills, 0 10 20 30 40 Note: procedures. Activities = the questions and speeches made by key emerging technology ïelds, such as quantum computing or autonomous vehicles, there is more 'activity' and Source: # of legislative documents containing issue keywords Legislation = the ongoing process of lawmaking, actual bills, the elected legislators. Press Releases = the commentary and 'commentary' than actual legislation procedures. Activities = the questions and speeches made by response from the various agencies and other moving parts of Source: Note: the elected legislators. Press Releases = the commentary and government. Legislation = the ongoing process of lawmaking, actual bills, DATASET: ACTIVITIES response from the various agencies and other moving parts of procedures. Activities = the questions and speeches made by Source: government. the elected legislators. Press Releases = the commentary and # of mentions of key tech-related issues in Blockchain/cryptocurrencies 13 50 response from the various agencies and other moving parts of government. European Parliament legislation, activities and press releases by topic per year Drones 27 36 DATASET: ACTIVITIES LEGEND Artificial Intelligence 15 37 2017 2018 Autonomous vehicles 5 8 There's a clear growth in focus on Artiïcial Intelligence in European Parliament legislative documents, but in other CRISPR & Genetic editing 1 key emerging technology ïelds, such as quantum computing or autonomous vehicles, there is more 'activity' and 'commentary' than actual legislation Quantum computing 1 There's a clear growth in focus on Artiïcial Intelligence in European Parliament legislative documents, but in other # of mentions of key tech-related issues in 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Artificial Intelligence 15 24 # of legislative documents containing issue keywords key emerging technology ïelds, such as quantum computing or autonomous vehicles, there is more 'activity' and European Parliament legislation, activities and press releases by topic per year 'commentary' than actual legislation Note: Drones 8 3 Legislation = the ongoing process of lawmaking, actual bills, DATASET: PRESS RELEASES DATASET: LEGISLATION procedures. Activities = the questions and speeches made by Source: the elected legislators. Press Releases = the commentary and LEGEND Blockchain/cryptocurrencies 4 6 response from the various agencies and other moving parts of # of mentions of key tech-related issues in Artificial Intelligence 24 75 government. 2017 European Parliament legislation, activities 2018 and press releases by topic per year Autonomous vehicles 3 3 Blockchain/cryptocurrencies 18 35 DATASET: PRESS RELEASES LEGEND CRISPR & Genetic editing 1 21 19 Drones 2017 2018 Quantum computing 1 10 6 Autonomous vehicles 0 10 20 30 40 Quantum computing 3 # of legislative documents containing issue keywords Note: Legislation = the ongoing process of lawmaking, actual bills, CRISPR & Genetic editing 0 procedures. Activities = the questions and speeches made by Source: the elected legislators. Press Releases = the commentary and response from the various agencies and other moving parts of 0 20 40 60 80 100 government. # of legislative documents containing issue keywords Note: Legislation = the ongoing process of lawmaking, actual bills, procedures. Activities = the questions and speeches made by Source: the elected legislators. Press Releases = the commentary and response from the various agencies and other moving parts of government. We urgently need Europe’s “ As Spotify, iZettle and Skype have shown, success breeds more success. Europe is flourishing in terms of access to later stage governments to form long- capital, and an ecosystem required to support startups on their term strategies around journey. Fintech, healthtech and social impact are just some verticals showing huge promise. But what worries me is that Europe hasn’t AI, while stepping up gotten its act together on AI – our companies risk getting crushed by the giants in US and China. We urgently need Europe’s governments investment into education to form long-term strategies around AI, while stepping up investment and basic research. The into education and basic research. The future is at stake.” future is at stake. Jacob de Geer iZettle 99 In Partnership with & www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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