06.1 Mobilising Europe’s R&D talent pool The European tech ecosystem is built on top EUROPEAN RESEARCHER TALENT of a large pool of researcher talent that it has largely untapped. Total researchers in Europe 2m Eurostat Europe’s research community is an ideas and knowledge factory and produces research at a level that is globally competitive and on par with the US. Europe publishes almost as many research papers as the US # of publications in Europe, China and the US US 19,579 LEGEND Count of publications in 2017 Europe 18,070 China 9,089 0 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 22,500 # of publications (fractional count) Note: 'Count' refers to a fractional count that takes into account the percentage of authors from that institution/country and the number of aíliated institutions per paper. Data sourced via Nature Index and gathered by CERN. But it is not just quantity, but also the quality of research that originates from Europe. The European research community leads the world by share of publications in the top 10% most cited, though China is gaining ground at an impressive rate. The European Union produces the most publications in the top 10% ranked by citings, but China is catching up fast Share of publications in the top 10% most 43% cited publications US LEGEND 30% Share in 2000 (%) Share in 2014 (%) 1% China 12% 33% EU-28 32% Note: A fractional count takes into account the percentage of authors from that institution/country and the number of aíliated institutions per paper. Data sourced via European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and gathered by CERN. & 86 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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