03.2 We’re All Part of the Problem People in the European tech ecosystem are split in their views on whether it is inclusive. While a majority of men think it is inclusive, only 38% of women agree. Female investors People in the European tech ecosystem are split in their views on whether it is inclusive. While a majority of men on the other hand, who are arguably able to take a broader view given the number of think it is inclusive, only 38% of women agree. Female investors on the other hand, who are arguably able to take a companies they meet, are much less positive, with 45% disagreeing that the industry is broader view given the number of companies they meet, are much less positive with 45% disgreeing that the inclusive versus 36% that agree. industry is inclusive versus 36% that agree. The European tech industry is inclusive DATASET: GENDER LEGEND Female Agree Neither agree nor disagree Male Disagree People in the European tech ecosystem are split in their views on whether it is inclusive. While a majority of men 0 20 40 60 80 100 think it is inclusive, only 38% of women agree. Female investors on the other hand, who are arguably able to take a % of respondents broader view given the number of companies they meet, are much less positive with 45% disgreeing that the industry is inclusive versus 36% that agree. DATASET: FOUNDER/INVESTOR Source: The European tech industry is inclusive Female founder or startup/scale-up DATASET: FOUNDERS/INVESTORS employee LEGEND Agree People in the European tech ecosystem are split in their views on whether it is inclusive. While a majority of men Female investor Neither agree nor disagree think it is inclusive, only 38% of women agree. Female investors on the other hand, who are arguably able to take a Disagree broader view given the number of companies they meet, are much less positive with 45% disgreeing that the Male founder or startup/scale-up industry is inclusive versus 36% that agree. employee The European tech industry is inclusive DATASET: EXPERIENCED DISCRIMINATION Male investor LEGEND Agree 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Neither agree nor disagree Disagree DATASET: EXPERIENCED DISCRIMINATION Source: Experienced discrimination Not experienced discrimination 0 20 40 60 80 100 % of respondents Source: The industry’s perception of its own inclusiveness is undermined by what survey The industry's perception of its own inclusiveness stands is undermined by what survey respondents shared about respondents shared about their individual experiences of discrimination while working their experiences with discrimination while working in European tech. 46% of women state that they have in European tech. 46% of women state that they have experienced discrimination. experienced discrimination. Have you ever experienced discrimination Central Europe & Baltics 32% while working in the European tech industry? 10% DACH 62% 22% LEGEND Eastern Europe 35% Female 26% Male 49% France & Benelux 12% Nordics 39% 18% Southern Europe 42% 14% UK & Ireland 50% 15% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % of respondents Source: & 35 In Partnership with www.thestateofeuropeantech.com

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