08.4 Bridging the Funding Gap “ Venture capital fund managers now span the European continent. This means investors can access best-in-class funds from the Venture capital fund Nordics to Central and Eastern Europe, and back dynamic businesses managers now span the which are becoming the next wave of European and world leaders.” European continent. Nenad Marovac Invest Europe “ Invest Europe has worked long and hard to tackle the issue of scale in European venture capital. The pan-European fund of funds Steady growth in programme, seeded with €410 million of EU money, will give larger investors a new way into VC. But we should not expect the response to fundraising will be more be immediate - steady growth in fundraising will be more sustainable sustainable for investors for investors and fund managers alike.” and fund managers alike. Michael Collins Invest Europe 120 In Partnership with & www.thestateofeuropeantech.com www.thestateofeuropeantech.com Photo: Samuli Pentti / Sami Valikangas

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